Friday, August 8, 2008

Emotional Rollercoaster

I am kind of sad today. Its 4 days until my period... but it looks like she is coming early. I have never had implantation with either of my previous pregnancies so I don't think that is likely. Still a possibility but not very likely. I also took a test this morning and it came back negative. I don't know what I was expecting. I don't generally get a positive test before my period is due. I guess I just wanted to make myself depressed. So I am still waiting. If my period starts full blown then we will know for sure. I totally thought we DTD near the day of ovulation. I am still keeping my fingers crossed but I am pretty sure its not my month.

Joel leaves to go camping with Nathan's sister, Stacey, and her family this afternoon. It will be a really nice break. I am quite excited to have him go. He will have a ton of fun, and Nathan and I will get to sleep past 5:30.

She's here to stay. Thats right.. Aunt Flow is here for the duration of her weekly visit. Ugh. I was really hoping April was going to be my month.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Aww sorry. :( AF sucks.

Here's to next month! ;)