Friday, July 23, 2010

In a blink of an eye

Holy Moses! We are near the end of July already! Wow. It has been a couple very crazy busy months. We sold our house and moved in to a new 2100 square foot 2 storey just up the road on June 15. April celebrated her 1st birthday on the 7th of June and we had her party on June 27 because we wanted to wait until after the move. Joel turned 6 on July 15 and we went to Vancouver Island for a week between July 13 to the 20th. Its been a blast but its hard to find enough time to do much blogging amidst all of that.

April took her first steps on July 11th and has been getting braver every day. Nathan said she walked across the living room while i was at work last night. It really is bitter sweet. I am so proud of her and happy that I won't have to tote her 24 pound body around much longer but it also means she is growing up and becoming more independent and that is so sad to me. I can hardly believe how the time flies, and I just wish for a few moments I could slow it down and just enjoy every sweet second of my kids lives.. and just freeze them the way they are right now if only for a few months longer. I can't believe it has been 6 years since Nathan and I entered into this journey of parenthood. 6 years! That is a substantial amount of time.. and that is the magic number. The school aged number where my big boy goes to school for a whole day, with a lunch in tow and becomes his own person with his own life. Part of me can't wait! It means he will learn to read and make his own friends, but part of me is so so sad that we have gotten here so very fast. A blink of an eye really. I here it only gets faster from here, so if the first 6 years went by this fast how much quicker will the next 12 go? Dear God.. please slow this life down! I only get one!

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