Saturday, November 8, 2008

Saturday Update: 9 weeks

I swear my belly looks smaller this week. Strange how that happens since I take my photo the same day every week at the same time.

This week I have been feeling a little woozier. It seems to come in the mornings and night especially and I haven't been able to take my prenatals for the past few days because they have been making me really nauseous. I have been exhausted too but I am not sure if that is because the boys are getting up several times every night or if it is because I am pregnant. I am going to attribute it to both.

So I bought the boys Christmas jammies a couple days ago. They were a wicked deal and I didn't even have to go to the store. I think with shipping and everything they ended up costing me $30 dollars for both. This is what they look like.

Last night I went out with a bunch of ladies from my weekly mom's group for dinner and then I got to sleep in because Nathan took the boys to his parents house for the night. It was glorious to be able to sleep all the way until morning and get up when I so chose. I definitely appreciated it.

Guess thats about it for the week. Thought it would be fun to take a poll to see what everyone thinks baby is at this point. Just leave your choice in your post.


Lisa@saltandlightstudio said...

Okay, I'm going to go out on a limb and say "Girl". Now I'm not saying I have that special "sense" that I usually have, the one that is insanely accurate but I just have a general feeling that you are having a girl. This may be wishful thinking on my part but good golly I hope I'm right. A little baby Kendra would be extra specially cute and adorable! Sending my love....

Lisa@saltandlightstudio said...

Oh and I love the Jammies, so funny!

Kate said...

i'm totally saying girl. ;)

glad you got a little bit of time for yourself, how wonderful.

love the jammies for the boys. waaaay too cute!