Monday, June 8, 2009

April's Birth Story


Nicole said...

You look AMAZING for just having a baby YESTERDAY! Go Kendra! And you almost didnt even have to push at all, thats so crazy, how fast labor went, and how easily she came out! Haha, I think its cute that you still have the hospital bracelet on and everything. How surprised was Nathan when the baby turned out to be a girl?!
What was the boys reaction?
Do you have a bunch of cute pink frilly girl clothes for her? Buying girlie outfits is so much fun :)

Have an awesome week, I hope all of you get enough sleep during these first few weeks together...

Lisa@saltandlightstudio said...

Auntie Kendra,

I love your videos and you have a cutie woodie baby girl there. I miss Joel, when can I play with him? Can't wait to give the baby some squishy kisses.

