Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I thought yesterday was a bad day.. It just got worse.. So very much worse. Two nights ago Nathan decided to update our iphone, not knowing that because it was a jailbreaked phone that that would screw the phone up and make it unusable. So for the past day and a half we have been working at trying to get things back to normal.. Well his brother is a bit of a computer wiz and has been helping Nathan work at fixing it over the phone. Well today I was going through some of the instructions on how to delete a certain program off our computer and some how in doing that I deleted EVERYTHING off our computer.. and I mean everything. All of our pictures, all of our documents.. every single thing! I don't know what to do.. I just want to sit down and cry! I don't even know how I can fix this. Nathan thinks his brother may be able to retrieve some of it but I don't know how.. I feel awful! I just deleted my entire life off my computer.. all of the pictures of my kids growing up. I just want to curl into a ball and die.. I feel hopeless.. I know it may sound silly but its all my fault and I don't even know how to fix it.

1 comment:

Kate said...

aww hunny!!! I'm so sorry!! *hugs* I hope it can be saved, somehow...