Sunday, September 14, 2008

Organizing Myself

Well last week I had a bit of a mental break down. I felt like a failure as a mother and wife. My house is always a disaster, I don't play with my kids, and at the end of the day I feel like I have accomplished nothing. On Thursday night I was driving to my dentist to have a tooth filled, and instead of having a pity party and making excuses for myself I really tried to figure out how I could actually make use of my time and feel like I actually did the things that I wanted to. So I decided to make myself a weekly schedule. I sat down tonight and filled out the time I would do my chores (during nap time), I set aside 2 full hours a day to play with the boys, and all the other little things that we have going on during the week. I am quite excited about it. 

I like schedules.. I thrive on knowing what I am doing and I really think that having it laid out, especially the time set aside to play with my kids before they are too big to want to play with me anymore, will really help me feel like I am making good use of my time as a stay at home mom.

1 comment:

Kate said...

That's wonderful! I'm glad you feel better now. I love schedules too, I just feel like a mess if I don't know what's going on.

Good luck hun!