Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Waiting Game

Ugh.. I hate playing the waiting game. I have to wait until August 12th to find out if I am pregnant this month. I am trying not to get my hopes up too high but it is hard. Everyone around me seems to be pregnant. I know it is our first month of trying but it is still hard not to believe that its gonna happen. Especially since we didn't have a hard time with either of the boys and I just pray that its the same this time around.

My sister just found out that she is pregnant. She isn't sure when she is due tho. She hasn't had a period in a long time, so she is going for an ultrasound on August 12th to find out when the baby is due. Should be sometime early next year. March at the latest.

Nathan picked up his new Mini Cooper yesterday. It wasn't the one he ordered because his other car was not going to last another 5 weeks. We ended up just picking one of the ones they had on the lot. Its a fancier model, which really means more $$$ but what can you do. He's pretty proud of it. It goes back in today to get its stripes put on the hood. I will post pictures of it when he gets home. Its a blackish blue color in a metallic shade of paint. I can't wait to learn to drive it. Its a stick shift but it has something called hill assist so it doesn't roll back on hills when your getting going, which will be fantastic for learning to drive. My last experience with standard driving was not a pleasant one so lets hope this goes a little better.

1 comment:

Kate said...

oooh defiantly keeping my fingers crossed for you. That would be really exciting if you were pregnant now.

How exciting though! A new car period is nice. Can't wait to see pictures!!